We are SO happy to announce that we are having our 1st baby!!
Our little miracle is due September 20, 2013. I will be tracking my pregnancy with this blog and updating it weekly to show the progression of my bump;) This is such a blessing to our family and we can't wait to meet our little one!!!
I had seen all these cute pregnancy trackers on Pinterest and decided it would be so fun to do one! I bought the chalkboard from home goods. They also had them @ Marshalls &TJ maxx. Ranging from $20-$50 depending on the size. Then I just bought crayola sidewalk chalk from Walmart. It was really fun and easy to do and my husband loves draw on it with me:) He actually has better bubble letters and handwriting then I do! LOL
How far along- 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- none
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- We had our 1st Dr's apt and heard the heart beat and baby move. I cried and my hubby couldnt get the smile off his face:)
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: None yet!
Food cravings- I have been craving carbs!!
Anything making you queasy or sick- I was very nauseous in the beginning and felt really tired! At this point I am happy to say I feel like myself again and could not be happier!
Have you started to show yet- Slightly! I cant wait to have a bump!!
Gender- We think were having a girl (intuition)
Belly Button in or out- in
How far along- 14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 2 lbs (mainly in my boobs) lol
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- People at work actually noticed my baby bump:) & We picked out our baby names! Not announcing the names until we know the gender because we don't want anyone stealing our baby names. We spent so much time searching for the perfect names.
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: None yet!
Food cravings- I have been craving SWEETS!
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- YES! I am at the awkward stage people probably dont know if I am pregnant or chubby
Gender- Dont know! Hopefully at our 18 week ultrasound we will know:)
Belly Button in or out- in
Total weight gain/loss- 2 lbs (mainly in my boobs) lol
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- People at work actually noticed my baby bump:) & We picked out our baby names! Not announcing the names until we know the gender because we don't want anyone stealing our baby names. We spent so much time searching for the perfect names.
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: None yet!
Food cravings- I have been craving SWEETS!
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- YES! I am at the awkward stage people probably dont know if I am pregnant or chubby
Gender- Dont know! Hopefully at our 18 week ultrasound we will know:)
Belly Button in or out- in
How far along- 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 5 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- My husband didnt come to this dr apt (since he had to work) so my mom came and we kept asking the dr if he thought there were twins in there (since they run in both sides of our family) SO the dr said he doesnt normally do this & he gave me a ultrasound and we got to see our sweet little baby. Of coarse my mom started crying! & there was only one baby in there so no twins!! ( apparently the only twins that are passed on through generations are fraternal and it has to be on the mothers side) I was so in love the dr went through and in detail explained everything from the developing brain to the heart chambers it was a amazing experience and I cant wait to hold my sweet little angel!!Miss Anything- No!
Favorite moment this week- My husband didnt come to this dr apt (since he had to work) so my mom came and we kept asking the dr if he thought there were twins in there (since they run in both sides of our family) SO the dr said he doesnt normally do this & he gave me a ultrasound and we got to see our sweet little baby. Of coarse my mom started crying! & there was only one baby in there so no twins!! ( apparently the only twins that are passed on through generations are fraternal and it has to be on the mothers side) I was so in love the dr went through and in detail explained everything from the developing brain to the heart chambers it was a amazing experience and I cant wait to hold my sweet little angel!!Miss Anything- No!
Movement: None yet!
Food cravings- I have been craving lemonade
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- YES! I still fit in my size 0 short so hopefully that doesnt change lol
Gender- We have scheduled our dr apt to find out so stay tuned were so excited!!
Belly Button in or out- flat (my belly button has disappeared) lol
How far along- 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 6 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- We found out were having a healthy baby boy! It was the best news ever and nothing else in life mattered to us. We are so blessed and cant wait to meet our son.
Favorite moment this week- We found out were having a healthy baby boy! It was the best news ever and nothing else in life mattered to us. We are so blessed and cant wait to meet our son.
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: None yet!
Food cravings- PB and whipped honey my fav!
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes! I love it!
Gender- Healthy baby boy!!:)
Belly Button in or out- flat

How far along- 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 8 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Breckon has been moving all around non stop!! I love feeling him kick! Its the best feeling in the world!
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: LOTS!:)
Food cravings- Sweets after every meal lol
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes I am showing! I finally popped!:)
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat
Love these camo overalls and boots! Our lil boy will be all ready for hunting season this year;)
Love these camo overalls and boots! Our lil boy will be all ready for hunting season this year;)
Total weight gain/loss- 9 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Painted the nursery/installed the fan and have started to get the room put together! Everything is starting to feel so real! We should be getting the rest of the nursery furniture this week! Its so exciting!
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: All the time
Food cravings- Sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- I love how my belly looks:) growing so much every day.
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared
Source: Uploaded by user
How far along- 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 10 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Started ordering stuff for our baby shower & scheduled our maternity photos:)
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: More movement everyday and I love it! He's a little active boy in there! He moves non-stop!
Food cravings- Sweet Tea
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes! I love to wear tight shirts so I can show off my bump! When I wear loose tops its hard to tell I am pregnant lol
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared
Source: sweetlittlesoutherncharm.com v
How far along- 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 10 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Our furniture is in! Cant wait to pick it up & start organizing his room!
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: This week for the first time I could see him move when I looked at my belly! Then I pushed on him & he kicked back at me every time I pushed back! He must have done it 5 times!
Food cravings- Just the usual sweets:)
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- I wore a bikini for the first time in a couple weeks you can definitely see my bump in a two piece. Not to mention I need to buy more since the tops dont fit me anymore( I am a DD now ... I heard that if your breasts grow a lot during pregnancy its a good sign you will be able to breast feed) fingers crossed hes a good lil eater!;)
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared
Source: Uploaded by user via Tara
on Pinterest
How far along- 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 11 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Were in the double digits! I cant believe how fast time is flying and I am getting so excited to hold him!
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: Every time we play music for him (country music) he starts kicking like crazy lol
Food cravings- chocolate cookies and more sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes and I love it!!
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared
Source: Uploaded by user via Tara on
How far along- 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 12 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- We have finally completed the nursery!!!!!! Photos to come:)
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: So much! I just love feeling him kick!
Food cravings- Sweet Tea & Fried chicken (chick-fil-A) lol
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes! People are still scared to ask I can tell when they ask if I am pregnant.
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared
How far along- 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 12 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Planning our baby shower
Miss Anything- No!
Movement: Non-stop kicking hes so active
Food cravings- Sweet Tea as usual lol
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes!
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared
How far along- 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 14 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Loving all the kicks! Cant believe hes 2lbs already. Less than three months left. We cant wait were getting so excited:) I just want to hold him now!
Miss Anything- Starting to not feel comfortable in any pants/shorts ... so I have resorted to pretty much wearing maxi dresses all the time.
Movement: He actually kicks so hard if I'm resting my arm on my belly it moves.
Food cravings- Sweets!! Gahh I cant even help it all I want is sweets & chocolate
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes!
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared wondering if I am going to get a outie lol?
How far along- 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 14 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Just excited that everything is coming together and we have our baby shower planned and maternity photos done!
Miss Anything- no! I am embracing all the changes my body is making preparing for the baby.
Movement: lots of kicks & they are always at a certain time of the day! Its kinda funny
Miss Anything- no! I am embracing all the changes my body is making preparing for the baby.
Movement: lots of kicks & they are always at a certain time of the day! Its kinda funny
Food cravings- Still sweets after every meal and I feel like now more than ever all I want is chocolate!!
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes!
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared
How far along- 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 16 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- We took our maternity photos:)
Miss Anything- Eating spicy foods I have had really bad acid reflex and have been trying to avoid any foods that make it worse.. its not fun
Movement: hes moving all the time! I love watching my belly and seeing him move
Miss Anything- Eating spicy foods I have had really bad acid reflex and have been trying to avoid any foods that make it worse.. its not fun
Movement: hes moving all the time! I love watching my belly and seeing him move
Food cravings- Sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes!
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared....still no outie lol
How far along- 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 17 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- We went on a family vaca for some much needed relaxation!
Miss Anything- I only fit in a few of my bikinis:/ wish I could fit into them all this summer! But oh well hopefully next year!
Movement: he had the hiccups:) it was so cool to feel him hiccup
Food cravings- Sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes it looks like I have a basketball under my clothes!!
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat (which its so strange I dont have a outie because my belly button was never really a deep innie it was always almost a outie) lol
How far along- 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 18 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Almost have our nursery completely finished! We just have to finish final touches (curtains & buy a shelf) but other than that its almost complete (photos to come) so happy I didn't wait until last minute to get everything done because I have been so busy with work.
Miss Anything- I would love to be able to wear shorts or pants but I just feel so uncomfortable in them
Miss Anything- I would love to be able to wear shorts or pants but I just feel so uncomfortable in them
Movement: So much I almost feel him move now more than ever!
Food cravings- Sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes!
Gender- baby boy!!
How far along- 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 18 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- We had our baby shower and were so blessed by our friends and family we almost have everything that we need for our little angel. Everything is starting to feel so real and I can wait for him to be here.
Miss Anything- Nope
Miss Anything- Nope
Movement: He moves all the time and now I can feel him having hiccups:)
Food cravings- Sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes!
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared
How far along- 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 19 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Shopping with all the gift cards we got for our shower! Its so fun to buy stuff for babies! The dr said this week I am measuring small (which is not a bad thing since I am so petite) he thinks I will have a 6lb baby so well see! I am not complaining lol I am healthy and so is the baby so that is always good news!
Miss Anything- Nope
Movement: He is so active!
Food cravings- Sweets I want to cut back on sugar but its so hard! I always want something sweet after dinner!:/
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes!
Gender- baby boy!!
How far along- 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 20 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Finishing up all of our baby prep! So much goes into buying everything babies need! We bought our carseat and are getting a additional carseat for my hubbys truck! I also went to my first baby wearing class which was so awesome and I am SO excited to wear my baby boy!
Miss Anything- Nope
Movement: His movement is so much stronger now!
Food cravings- Just scared to eat certain foods since lately I have been having bad acid reflux again:/
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes! I look like I am going to POP! lol
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared Still no out tie!
How far along- 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 22 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Had a Drs apt and he said everything looks great and that our baby is in position ready to make his way down the birth canal:) hes head down and measuring a little small ( the drs not worried since im so petite) He said our baby boy will be around 6-7lbs which I am completely fine with this! lol
Miss Anything- My lower back is really starting to hurt and I am constantly getting up in the night to use the bathroom which is NO fun lol I think Gods preparing me to get up every few hours in the middle of the night already!
Movement: I feel like I can feel his hands move its a different feeling than I have felt before and I feel like hes blowing bubbles or something lol I love it when he gets the hiccups!
Food cravings- My moms homemade pumpkin bread! Which she made for me and I literally ate a loaf every day!! Soaking up these last weeks of pregnancy eating what I want! haha
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes!
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared Still no out tie!
How far along- 36weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 22 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- Scheduled Breckons newborn photos! So excited I have so many cute ideas:) I cant wait for his photo shoot! We have all our bags packed & our now just waiting on his arrival
Miss Anything- Sleeping through the night with out continuously having to use the restroom.
Movement: All the time and I just love it!
Food cravings- Frozen yogurt! Gotta soak up these last weeks of my pregnancy and splurge a little;)
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick- Nope
Have you started to show yet- Yes! I look like I am going to POP! lol
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- flat/disappeared Still no out tie!
How far along- 37weeks
Total weight gain/loss- 23 lbs
Stretch marks- none
Favorite moment this week- I had my check up and the Dr told me I am 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced:) His head is down and she said this is a great start! I am so excited I cant believe he will be here soon!
Miss Anything- Just trying to get comfortable sleeping and my lower back is killing me:(
Movement: All the time hes just a busy bee in there!
Food cravings- Since I havent gained that much weight these last two weeks I am eating what ever I want lol back to the gym after I have him and clean eating! SO im enjoying my sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick- Just having the worst acid reflux which is so annoying
Anything making you queasy or sick- Just having the worst acid reflux which is so annoying
Have you started to show yet- Yes!
Gender- baby boy!!
Belly Button in or out- I officially never got a outie during my pregnancy! Everyone said I would but I did not get one!

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