We have officially been
blessed with a beautiful healthy baby boy!! Breckon Garrett was born on Sunday
the 15th at 9:26 only 16 minutes after we checked into the labor and
delivery floor! He was 6lbs 14 ounces and 20 inches long.
I wanted to share our birth
story with everyone so here it is!!:) I
went into labor Sunday night September 15, 2013.
We went to church on Sunday
and had a family get together that afternoon. I was feeling great and not
having any contractions! Or so I thought.. I was having some but I assumed they
were Braxton hicks since I wasn’t due until Friday the 20th. My
stomach started feeling a little heavy (like I wanted to hold it up) but other
than that I felt really good. My husband and I came home and had cheerios and
he made me some fish he had caught ( I know kinda a random dinner lol) and we
watched a Duck Dynasty episode we had previously recorded. I started to feel
some contractions but nothing painful so I decided to take a shower just in
case he decided to come in the middle of the night. The next thing I know I am
blow drying my hair and had to use the bathroom and I heard this popping noise(
kinda like when your knee pops) but in my belly… SO I said to my husband
baby I kinda think my water might have
just broke. I wasn’t sure since water didn’t really gush out.. So I continued
to blow dry my hair and started getting real contractions… They were coming in
waves and I would have to take breaks from blow drying my hair because they
took my breath away. Of coarse I was not about to go to the hospital with wet hair
lol so I was trying to dry my hair as fast as I could! Still I didn’t think
they were that painful (since I could tolerate it) and wanted to labor at home
since I hate hospitals. SO while I was in the middle of trying to download a
contraction tracker my husband comes into the room and said we need to go now(
he was wanting to leave based on hearing me when I would get a contraction) I then
all of a sudden I felt like I REALLY needed to go to the bathroom and I know
all of you mamas out there know what Im talking about……lol and some blood came
out and so my husband said were leaving now.. We raced to the hospital and
that’s when the pain started to get extremely strong and I knew my baby was
coming. I was on all fours in the front seat trying to take the pain the best I
could. We were running through red lights trying to get there as fast as we
could. Meanwhile Im attempting to put my makeup on inbetween contractions lol I
had no time and didn’t get very far with my makeup but at least I tried! Hah!
We were trying to call my dr office to let them know we were on our way to the
hospital they weren’t answering but thank goodness we didn’t get in touch with
them because after I had my son my midwife said if I would have called she
would have told me to labor at home a little since its so uncommon for anyone
to have their 1st baby that fast! Finally we made it to the hospital
and of coarse its late at night and we had no idea where to go since everything
was locked up. So we went to the ER and I was walking as fast as I could to get
in there since the pain started getting worse. They wanted to put me in a wheel
chair and I wanted to walk but figured Id better get in the wheel chair since
my husband said it would be faster. So we went racing up to labor and delivery.
We got there and Im sure a ton of girls always say they think they are in labor
so the nurses were not taking us seriously when I said my baby is coming! Get me in there now( which
you start to get very firm with people when your in this kind of pain lol) they
took me in checked me in triage and said shes right your dilated to 6cm and his
head is right there. I said I wanted to use the restroom so they let me go and
were laughing because I am about to have my baby and wouldn’t sit on the toilet
seat at the hospital. Lol I didn’t care how much pain I was in I was not about
to sit on the seat! Haha So they rushed me into the delivery room and
fortunately my husband and mom knew my birth plan (which thank goodness when my
baby was crowning I told the nurses to get my mom since she was supposed to be
in the room and the nurses at the hospital wouldn’t let her since they said
they needed to check me in which never happened( I had no IV did no paper work..
they had no time for anything). My son was crowning and the nurse was telling
me not to push since my dr wasn’t there yet and my midwife wasn’t either. My
husband got a little freaked out because he could see our sons head and was
thinking wheres the dr??! So the oncall dr made it in our room which I honestly
don’t even remember his name! lol but he was super sweet! So the pain got worse
but bearable! And I knew my son was coming! I pushed twice and his head was out
and my husband told me to feel his head which was so cool. Then with two more
pushes my son was out and taking his first breath! My husband remembered I
wanted to wait to cut the cord which we did ( the chord completely pulsated and
when my husband cut it just one little drop of blood came out) and I wanted my
son placed immediately on my chest. My son latched on right away and nursed
like a champ! It was unreal to see how alert he was I had NO drugs and I feel
like I could do it all over again tomorrow! I had my placenta encapsulated so
we had to make sure the nurses put it in a bag so we could put it in our cooler
for my midwife to encapsulate it for me. The dr had to give me a episiotomy
(which he said hes only done three in the past thirty years .. my husband says
that was a compliment to me lol) But he was trying so hard to not have to do it
and work our sons head out but it just wouldn’t come.. I had no numbing
medicine when he cut me and didn’t feel that either. I actually felt the needle
to numb me when they stitched me up more than being cut! So after about a hour or less of labor &
after16 minutes in the labor and delivery room and 4 pushes we welcomed our
little bundle of joy! It honestly all happened so fast we were just in such
shock and couldn’t even believe he was here already! We have never been so
happy! he is perfect and were truly blessed! God answered all of
our prayers and I feel so incredibly lucky!
On our way home (it had been raining the entire time we were in the hospital) there was a double rainbow in the sky <3 God is so amazing <3

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ReplyDeleteCongrats on your baby boy. My daughter came fast like that too. I had to hold her in and not push that was the hardest thing ever. My OB didn't think I would dilate that fast she almost didn't make it lol. Isn't drug free the best? I could not imagine not feeling my baby come out or my legs. Recovery is quick too. Congrats again. He is perfect.