February 6, 2016

Our Birth Story Baby #2

Our sweet baby girl finally arrived!!! Born on New Years Day! 1:1:16 I thought she would never come lol 40 weeks day 5 she was here! So she was late because she is obviously my little girl and of coarse she had to make her big debut on New Years Day lol only my daughter!

I went to labor New Year's eve but I had been having false labor a couple days before this and I kind of thought it was another round of false labor but when I woke up the pain never went away in my contractions kept getting closer so we decided to go to my moms house since my stepdad will be watching our son when I had our baby because my mom's always in the delivery room with me and my husband.. I would say my labor was similar to last time except it started earlier and lasted days before I was really into labor but the actual labor part was really short like with our son. I labored for about a  hour pushed three times and in less than 20 minutes she was in my arms. This labor was much more painful than last time & since I go all natural it was pretty intense. I actually gave birth on all fours... This was not intential at all(to give you a visual I was on my knees on the hospital bed with arms leaning up againts the back of the bed in a some what squating position) nothing in me could turn around and lay down on my back. I think I must have been having back labor... Since I have no pain meds .. Or epidural this was the most awful pain I have ever experienced. I was the most comfortable in this position so my midwife just let me give birth anyway I wanted too. So my husband was up by my head coaching me through everything and my mom was behind me with the nurses and midwife watching me deliver our baby girl. This time giving birth I experienced the "ring of fire" when her head was coming down the birth canal .. A feeling I dont ever want to feel again.. The most amazing part about giving birth this way was that my midwife passed our baby girl up under me when she came out to where I could grab her and have her right in my arms. I rolled over and held her skin on skin until the umbilical cord stopped pulsalating. Then my hubby cut the cord and we were just in awe of our beautiful miracle trying to take it all in since once again everything happened so fast. God is so good and holding our beautiful daughter in our arms it felt like for a moment the entire world had stopped and we could just stare at her forever. She nursed right away and just loved to be snuggled up on my chest. The first few nights were rough since she was cluster feeding but then she eventually was just wanting to sleep which gave me a break. She did so amazing on the car ride home and overall has been a easy newborn and we are so thankful and blessed. 











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